boutique Strategy & Management
Consulting Company

Something New.


something new.

Ekihya is a boutique Strategy and Management Consulting Company, serving Organisations in Tanzania with tailor made business solutions to promote efficiency and effectiveness in their daily operations.

Ekihya is a tribal word from the Haya tribe (located in Bukoba region in north eastern Tanzania) which basically means “Something New”. In a market saturated with various Consulting companies, we bring to the table a unique new offering that;

Vision To bring in an innovative and fresh way of solving organizational challenges resulting in the running of effective and efficient operations.
Mission To be the premier sought after consulting company working in developing people, putting in place process and systems for organisations’ across Africa with the aim of realizing their full economic potential.

Our Services

Ekihya is a boutique Strategy and Management Consulting Company, serving SMEs in Tanzania with tailor made business solutions to promote efficiency and effectiveness in their daily operations.


Business Development – We create long term value for an organization from customers, markets to it’s relationships.

Project Management – In partnership with our clients, we design and develop processes and systems, and help put in place controlling measures that will help analyze and evaluate a specific objective in the organization.

Product and Service Innovation – Provide perspectives to our clients on how to achieve their strategic objectives through the development of new services and products, markets, breakthrough innovation, innovative value proposition and new business model.


HR Strategy & Development – Effectively design and develop a HR Strategy that will help manage the growth and success of our clients’ staffing needs.

Executive Search – We conduct personalized senior personnel search for management positions for our clients.

Capacity Building - We work hand in hand with our clients in identifying challenges within the organization and developing appropriate training solutions to meet the challenges.


Coaching -We work with individuals in enabling them to make conscious decisions and empowering them to become leaders in their own lives.

Organizational Development Analysis - Conduct in-depth organizational needs analysis for our clients which helps in aligning the needs of the company with its strategic goals and business plan.

Training - In consultation with our clients, we design and develop custom tailored training solutions that results in better performance of individuals and groups in the organization.

Our Team

Lillian Secelela Madeje

Managing Director.

Standing at the helm of the Ekihya, Lillian is a strong believer in the power that people, process and systems have in transforming organisations. Having more than 7 years of experience across different industries in Tanzania, from human resource to innovation, Lillian brings a different flair of participatory leadership to the team.

With a myriad of expertise such as Qualitative Research methodologies, having consulted with organizations such as JUMO (Mobile Loan Financial Services), Mobisol, amongst many others, Lillian has amassed knowledge in leading major projects and creating strategic plans for execution. On her role with developing SME ecosytem, she participated in the Mara Mentor program in 2013, is a volunteer on the YALI East Africa online Mentorship program and oversaw a 6 month program of coaching 5 Local Capacity Based organization under LEAP program with SNV. In addition to this, she has served as Coordinator for Women Creating Wealth, a program under the Grace Machel Trust Network that incubates women businesses for a period of one year. Lillian is also a member of the GoGlobal236 platform that is a Global Network of Women Mentors to StartUps.

Juliana Peter

Project Lead.

A change maker at heart, Juliana brings to the team a fresh perspective that is centered on people. Dealing with operations, coordination and management of various projects under the Ekihya platform, she is a true multi-tasker and delivers on results at all times.
Holding a Diploma in International Relations and Diplomacy, she has extensive experience and work in Recruitment, Project Management, International Affairs, Social Community work and Public Relations. Bringing in experience with working at the Egyptian consulate as a Personal Assistant to the Ambassador, recruitment Associate at CV People Africa and a Project Coordinator at JALI, Juliana is ever innovative and leads the team with greatest attention to detail.

Jacqueline Joseph

Project Coordinator.

Jacqueline has an active and dynamic approach to work and getting things done. At Ekihya, she is responsible in coordinating and overseeing various projects that involve both Quantitative and Qualitative Market Research.
She has experience working with a Kenyan based Marketing Research company and brings to the team a fresh perspective and approach. An excellent team player, with great interpersonal skills, Jacqueline is the gem that hold the team together. Jacqueline holds a bachelor degree in Insurance and Risk Management from the Institute of Finance Management.

Emmanuel Elisante

Associate Consultant.

Emmanuel has over 16 years of experience in both lending and Investments where he worked with local banks in Tanzania and International Fund and Fund Managers. His last job was with GroFin International, as Investment Executive for five years, a role that chiefly was to head Tanzania office operations, SMEs impact investment activities and liaise with Group CEO. As such he has worked in several SMEs development programs and corporate financing set up dealing with structured capital facilities and large syndication arrangements. 
Emmanuel also saves as board member in few local institutions. He is a graduate of the University of Dar Es Salaam with B.A (Economics) Hons and also holds Masters in Business Administration".


“It's hard to imagine any group of people being held in less esteem than we are by our clients. The overwhelming majority of them feel that we are either bumbling incompetents--after all if we're otherwise why aren't we in private practice making real money?--or, even worse, actively conspiring with the DA against them as evidenced by the fact that we know and appear to act friendly towards a lot of these people who are prosecuting them."

Coca Coal
At Soko

Let us help you.


Contact Us.

Not only seeks an increase in our partner’s profit margin but also work in developing strong SMEs that are ethical, care for their employees and make a difference in their communities. Not only seeks an increase in our partner’s profit margin but also work in developing strong SMEs that are ethical, care for their employees and make a difference in their communities.

+255 (0) 784 578 479

C & G Plaza,Mikocheni Kwa Warioba.

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